Denise is to you that we turn

Hi Denise,
If you are viewing this website, if you recognise yourself, if some photos - or songs - look familiar to you, please contact us. Love is Hope and we believe in it… With Love we are waiting for your return!

Data about Denise

Born: on October 26th 2000
Eyes and Hair: Brown
Height and Weight: (at the time she went missing) 98 cm 16 kg
Distinguishing Marks: had both ears doubly pierced and a scratch under her left eye
Missing from: September 1st 2004, at about 12 p.m., near her home in Via Domenico la Bruna 6. 91026 - Mazara del Vallo, (TP) Sicily, Italy..

Missing Denise Pipitone

Age Progression 2021: What Denise could look like

Read the blog of the site: Informazione/News

#DenisePipitone #VeritàPerDenise #CerchiamoDenise

Denise do you remember?

I am your Mom, my name is Piera Maggio, in this photo we are together.

By donating, you offer help with Denise's research and more.

Current Account Name: Ass. Cerchiamo Denise Onlus - IBAN coordinates: IT89Q0760116400001065624486
Donations from abroad BIC/SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX - Address: via Domenico la Bruna 6, 91026 - Mazara del Vallo (TP) Italy
A heartfelt thanks to those who donated

Donation PayPal >>



Social link


  • Missing Denise Nata il 26 ottobre 2000 - Scomparsa il 1 Settembre 2004 Sicilia, (TP) Italia